Venue relations projects:
Promotion projects:
Volunteer coordination projects:
Sponsorship & fundraising
Follow up on Linksys and Teksavvy sponsorship opportunities
Follow up on CSI-ENP grant opportunity
Look for free consulting to help us put together a business plan
Have meetings with potential sponsors to figure out what would be of value to them
Operations projects:
better coverage in Dufferin Grove Park
better coverage at Yonge-Dundas Square
research increasing Harbourfront coverage to include the Enwave Theatre
inquire: better coverage at Woody's?
install a power cut-off switch at St. Lawrence Market and show some tenants how to use it
fix openvpn on a few routers
make sure that auth server logs are rotating and that it's being properly backed up
Technical Support projects:
R&D projects/tasks:
implement a small-scale mesh to test Acctons, explore feasibility of a larger network
fix portal pages
implement a hotspot monitoring system
improve hotspot email notifications
experiment with alternative auth servers to help decide what our tech roadmap is
figure out why “Internet connection is down” message doesn't often show up at venues
build a scraper for events, to include them on our portal pages
determine the feasibility of a mac-address-based bandwidth accounting system w/greylist & blacklist
correct a typo in the validation email and account creation web page
Portal page projects: