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====== Dufferin Grove Park hotspot setup ====== Three routers: - 30: on private home at south end of the park, connected to DSL line - 31: on the rinkhouse - x: inside the rinkhouse (wifidog not installed), wired connection to router 31, ip address DSL and cross-park "mesh" provided by Wireless Nomad. DSL modem owned by WT. Paid up until early/mid-May 2007. The tentative plan is to switch to wimax in April/May 2007, locating the modem at the rinkhouse. The friends of DGP will be able to cover the cost, using money earned from their snack bar. ===== January 7, 2007 ===== Router 31 was reported as down in wifidog for most of the first week of 2007; Michael P investigated on Friday night, and reported this: > The antenna on the external rinkhouse routers had been knocked out of position and was, presummably, not seeing the south end for its internet feed. A broom handle and power cycle of the routers (plus the one in room 36) helped set it straight. > > Oddly, south is reported being down right now though the rinkhouse looks fine. Indeed, router 30 is reported as down in wifidog, and Gabe couldn't reach it via openvpn -- seems like it'll need a powercycle.

technical_logs/dufferin_grove_park.1168657135.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/28 16:06 (external edit)