Meeting notes: Board Meeting April 4 2007
Hacknight report
they're in for the wifi install; not the mediabox (this year, due to budget constraints)
meeting next Friday: Gabe, Michael;
Patrick available to help
SLM plan; email discussion to assess strategy
Teriyaki report
YDS report
crisis at ISF
Carrot Commons joining
Distillery District
Toronto The Good
Tuesday, May 15
projects: Virj? SMS thing?
we need to volunteer on day, help with promotion, ++?
let's wait 'til the formal announcement before we start talking about it, just so we don't “scoop” them.
finances report / renewals
bank statements are now filed in Patrick/Gabe's office
Scotiabank account to be closed by end of month
more $ from ISF? maybe not, 'cause of MediaBox stuff - let's ask.
G to put stuff into Google Docs spreadsheet
we will invoice all venues whose network memberships have lapsed, and send a venue agreement to those for whom we don't have one on file. We'll then follow up with an in-person visit if we don't hear back from them.
Edward will coordinate the mailing. Stamped return envelopes will be included.
we will bill for all past fees, but if they ask us to waive old stuff, we will
send sticker too!
network membership fee policy on multi-router installs
from now on, $50/router/year
this is now the policy for all new venues, and all existing venues renewals in 2008
CSI, 401, SLM, YDS?, DGP?,
Dufferin Grove second router assessment
meeting schedules:
quarterly board meetings: quarterly, third Tuesdays
volunteer meetings: quarterly, second Tuesdays (beginning in June)
hacknights: monthly, first Tuesdays
socials: Wireless (fourth) Wednesdays
policy/enforcement on venues that turn off the router at night
Sneaky Dee's + Lettieri + Teriyaki York Mills issue
discussion: charge them extra for this “right”, or cut them off?
we decided on the latter: we will do everything we can to accommodate their needs/fears, but we won't budge on that the router must be always on/available
OneZone channel hogging
they're using 1, 6 and 11 at YDS
let's research legit use of 2.4, then write a letter to Dobbin, and maybe the City?
if he doesn't reply in 60 days, write a letter to the CRTC
let's mention it at TTG banner on our sites
meeting_notes/board_070404.txt · Last modified: 2013/09/28 16:06 (external edit)