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====== Dufferin Grove Park hotspot setup ====== Three routers: - 30: on private home at south end of the park, connected to DSL line - 31: on the rinkhouse - x: inside the rinkhouse (wifidog not installed), wired connection to router 31, ip address DSL and cross-park "mesh" provided by Wireless Nomad. DSL modem owned by WT. Paid up until early/mid-May 2007. The tentative plan is to switch to wimax in April/May 2007, locating the modem at the rinkhouse. The friends of DGP will be able to cover the cost, using money earned from their snack bar. ===== January 7, 2007 ===== Router 31 was reported as down in wifidog for most of the first week of 2007; Michael P investigated on Friday night, and reported this: > The antenna on the external rinkhouse routers had been knocked out of position and was, presummably, not seeing the south end for its internet feed. A broom handle and power cycle of the routers (plus the one in room 36) helped set it straight. > > Oddly, south is reported being down right now though the rinkhouse looks fine. Indeed, router 30 is reported as down in wifidog, and Gabe couldn't reach it via openvpn -- seems like it'll need a powercycle. ===== January 12, 2007 ===== Bruce Whitaker powercycled the routers at his house. The north router came back online, giving park staff internet access, but the south end is still offline. The mesh link between the two ends is functioning. Access to Bruce's is necessary to figure out why our router there isn't working.

technical_logs/dufferin_grove_park.1168702734.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/28 16:06 (external edit)