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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== January 16, 2006 ====== Gabe received an email from a user saying he was having trouble changing his password. Gabe confirmed the problem, a reported the bug on the isf-wifidog list. Five hours later Benoit replied saying he'd fixed it in svn. Gabe ran "svn update" -- we're now running revision 1172. ====== January 7, 2007 ====== Gabe upgraded the wifidog auth server to the current version (1164). ---- Note: to upgrade auth server, use "svn update", as per François Proulx's email to the wifidog email list on January 10th.

auth_server.1169003493.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/28 16:06 (external edit)