wt volunteer meeting - Apr 5, 2007

Present: Patrick, Mike, Gabe, Matthew, Wes, Dave, Edward (did I miss people who came late?)

This was our first “volunteer meeting”. Volunteer meetings are intended to be opportunities to introduce WT to new people, with the hope that they'll decide to get involved with the group.

Gabe (with help from Patrick, Edward and Dave) gave the full intro to WT – what it is, what motivated us to organize, what our model is, etc.

We than ran through our projects:

The conversation moved to marketing & strategy. It became clear that this is one of our weakest spots. Priorities we identified:

Specifically, we agreed that since we don't have a lot of marketing sk1llz and energy in-house, our marketing strategy is one of user-driven expansion, wherein we enable our users to spread the word for us. All this means is stuff like: encourage users to print the PDF pitchkit and give it to potential venues in their neighbourhood; make a “I (heart) WT” banner/badge that people can put on their website/blog; etc.

Things which need follow-ups: