Venue relations projects: * invoicing * Teriyaki Experience: $1,050 (talk to them first!) * Harbourfront: $250 * St. Lawrence Market: network membership renewal ($250) + connectivity costs * other venues * Venue sprint! * find big venues to target and/or BIAs Promotion projects: * post announcement of our two newest venues: Woody's and Fade-In Cafe * improve public website * source better stickers * add a "governance" page to the public website Volunteer coordination projects: * recruit, recruit, recruit! Sponsorship & fundraising * Follow up on Linksys and Teksavvy sponsorship opportunities * Follow up on CSI-ENP grant opportunity * Look for free consulting to help us put together a business plan * Have meetings with potential sponsors to figure out what would be of value to them Operations projects: * better coverage in Dufferin Grove Park * better coverage at Yonge-Dundas Square * research increasing Harbourfront coverage to include the Enwave Theatre * inquire: better coverage at Woody's? * install a power cut-off switch at St. Lawrence Market and show some tenants how to use it * fix openvpn on a few routers * make sure that auth server logs are rotating and that it's being properly backed up Technical Support projects: * build a team & figure out how to manage requests * design a support FAQ for the website and phone system R&D projects/tasks: * implement a small-scale mesh to test Acctons, explore feasibility of a larger network * fix portal pages * implement a hotspot monitoring system * improve hotspot email notifications * experiment with alternative auth servers to help decide what our tech roadmap is * figure out why "Internet connection is down" message doesn't often show up at venues * build a scraper for events, to include them on our portal pages * determine the feasibility of a mac-address-based bandwidth accounting system w/greylist & blacklist * correct a typo in the validation email and account creation web page Portal page projects: * see what APIs are available, start implementing!