====== July 20, 2011 ====== Wifidog reported the node down, but I was able to connect to it through the VPN. Wifidog was running, but DNS wasn't resolving. I edited /etc/init.d/S50dnsmasq and changed the line that read “nameserver” to “nameserver” and then added another line below it, “nameserver”. (Those are opendns servers.) I then edited /etc/resolv.conf with those same two lines, and it started working right away. ====== February 20, 2010 ====== Exactly the same problem as Nov 29 2009. The DNS servers were still in the lan_dns value in nvram, but weren't in the /etc/resolv.conf. I added them, and the router was then able to resolve DNS addresses. ====== November 29, 2009 ====== Wifidog reported that it went down 3 days ago. I connected via VPN. Wifidog was still running ('wdctl status'), but was reporting that it couldn't connect to the auth server. I tried pinging the auth server ('ping auth.wirelesstoronto.ca') and it couldn't resolve the address. I changed the DNS server in both /etc/resolv.conf ('vi /etc/resolv.conf') and in the router config ('nvram set lan_dns='') and it started working. ====== August 21, 2007 ====== Installed by Gabe. Channel 1. It's in the office. WAN port of the wireless router is plugged into a D-Link wired router which is in turn plugged into their 'net connection.