audiences: * fans (can become volunteers) * public (can become fans) * businesses (can become venues) * media * city / govt channels: * facebook * twitter * flickr * wiki * pitch kit * portal pages * news list * events (temporary installs are smart, but only if it has tangible impacts: i.e. selling a BIA, exposure to an important audience) stuff we want to do: * BoB: temporary network at bigonbloor (as many routers as possible!), and table * BoB: t-shirts for bigonbloor (suggested donation from volunteers; sell to others) * BoB: more buttons for bigonbloor (sell at our table) - "free wifi" design * updated brochures * BoB: Alex will take photos * venue stickers (who made the ISF ones?) * Alex & Hil will continue the conversation about social media and outreach * BoB: Mo will design a "free wifi" sign * BoB: we'll see if the festival can print the signs for us NEXT ACTIONS: * G to give Alex access to stats * G will put H in touch with Ghazaleh * G will send button design to Mo * G will send name of t-shirt printing people to Hil * G will ask Dory for t-shirt design * G will see who made the old buttons, and tell Hil * G will send brochure design to Mo * Mo will do design work on brochure, buttons, stickers, signs * Hil will email Dory for button design * Alex & Hil will contrinue the conversation about social media and outreach